Career Roadmap
Shereen's work combines: Entrepreneurship, Television, and Upholding a Cause and Belief
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Here's the path I took:
High School
Physical Education Teaching and Coaching
Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Broadcast Announcers and Radio Disc Jockeys:
Certification: CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician
Learn more about different paths to this careerLife & Career Milestones
I've taken a lot of twists and turns
Wanted to be an entertainer but my family said I would never make any money so I didn't do it.
Followed the traditional path of getting a degree and a normal desk job and felt utterly miserable.
Went to a personal development seminar that made me realize that I could do what I want with my life.
Quit my master's degree program and started doing stand up comedy.
Hired a coach to help me reprogram my mind & behaviors and stepped into my authentic self.
Realized that I wanted to be a coach and pay it forward because I was so happy after being coached.
Tried to keep a normal job while building my biz, and started www.awakentherebel.com
Went balls to the walls and quit my job to be a game changer full time and scored my own TV show.
Defining Moments
How I responded to discouragement
Messages from Family:
You should be a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer. Entertainment is not a career it's for losers. Since you are friendly and bubbly you must be a bimbo. You will never be able to make it as an entertainer. It is impossible. Entertainment is for people who are uneducated and low class. Your coaching business is ridiculous why can't you just be normal and hold down a job. There must be something wrong with you since you don't have a stable career path. Your dreams are too big.
How I responded:
It took years of reprogramming my mind via coaching and taking risks for me to finally believe my own inner voice more than the noise. What's good is that my inner voice wouldn't be silenced no matter how hard I tried to get it to shut up. One night after I quit freelancing and went back to work in corporate I had an entire night of insomnia & I couldn't stop thinking, "What if I just live a normal 9-5 life and never write a book?!" I was terrified of the ordinary. Anxiety led me to my freedom.
Experiences and challenges that shaped me
I have had gnarly debt, creditors calling me, doom and gloom type stuff on my path to freedom. Now I know it was only so that I could understand that pain to be a better coach to those who have the same issue. There is value in every lesson, even pain.
My mom immigrated, and I am first generation born here. This was tough because I was never Egyptian enough, and I was never American enough. It made me feel like I never really fully fit in. That's why now I help people Awaken The Rebel.
My mom was a single parent and an immigrant on top of that. She was physically abused by my father and that always scarred me and made me want to be invulnerable to love and to men. When you block out pain you also block out love. So I chose love.