Kyle Luebke
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
"It wasn't until I got out into the "real world" and found new sources of support that I realized that it was completely fine for me to be who I am."
Career Roadmap
Kyle's work combines: Law, Action Sports, and Problem Solving
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Here's the path I took:
High School
Bachelor's Degree
Political Science and Government, General
University of Memphis
Graduate Degree
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Bachelor's Degree
Canadian Government and Politics
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Bachelor's Degree
Canadian Government and Politics
Brock University, Ontario, Canada
Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Lawyers:
High School
Bachelor's Degree: Political Science and Government, General
Graduate Degree: Law
Bachelor's Degree: Canadian Government and Politics
Bachelor's Degree: Canadian Government and Politics
Learn more about different paths to this careerLife & Career Milestones
My path in life took a while to figure out
I came out as gay and my parents sent me to residential therapy to try to "fix" me and my lifestyle.
For a long time, I couldn't accept myself; when I finally did, it was a huge turning point for me.
My parents wouldn't sign my FAFSA papers and for a while I didn't know if I could go to college.
I decided to take on multiple jobs and work my way through school so I could pursue my dream.
Put myself through the University of Memphis, then through the University of Michigan's Law School.
I'm currently working at one of the largest, most reputable law firms in the United States.
Defining Moments
How I responded to discouragement
Messages from Society in general:
If you continue to be who you are, no one will ever love you, you'll never find a spouse, and you'll never be happy.
How I responded:
When my parents sent me to residential therapy, I was constantly hearing this noise that I couldn't be gay, that my homosexual lifestyle was wrong, that I couldn't continue to live this way if I ever wanted to be happy. I was so wrapped up in this environment that I almost started to believe it myself. It wasn't until I got out into the "real world" and found new sources of support (Kathy, my manager at Office Depot, for example) that I realized that it was completely fine for me to be who I am.
Experiences and challenges that shaped me
After I came out, my parents told me they disagreed with my lifestyle and told me it was "wrong." It took a lot of time and a lot of encouragement from different support systems for me to finally accept myself for who I am.